Saturday, June 23, 2012

Social Thinking® Provider's Conference- Day1

Hi Folks, having a great time across the country from my usual locale, here in San Francisco at the Social Thinking ®  Provider's Conference. I made a hour-long presentation yesterday on using apps in ways that align with Social Thinking concepts, and it went very well.  I will be repeating this in a little bit longer form at the STPC in Minneapolis and Boston.

Some time ago I learned that it helps me to pay attention at conferences when I don't exactly take notes traditionally, but when I tweet them instead. Something about knowing at least one other person is reading what you are writing, I guess? So, @speechykeenslp and I, among a number of others, used twitter to share our notes of main points.  This may or may not be something you are interested in reading through, but I thought I would share them here anyway. More to come...hopefully these notes serve as a teaser to look more into these great presenters, their books and ideas.  From Day 1 in particular, you might be interested in learning more about the Movie Time Social Learning approach (sign up for a notification of when Anna Vagin's book will be published), the Social Express app, and the Social Thinking website for all their free articles, blogs etc, as well as their other great materials.

Click here to the link to the tweets from the day (you do not need to be on twitter to see them).


  1. I went to your presentation at the Social Thinking conference over the weekend and it was fabulous! I loved the examples of videos that your students made! Keep up the great work! Thanks!

    1. Thanks so much, Jada- I appreciate the feedback!

